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Camp CBG at the Chicago Botanic Garden
Glencoe, Illinois

Visit Our Camp CBG at the Chicago Botanic Garden Website
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, Illinois 60022

CAMPER AGES: 6 months to 12 years


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp CBG offers morning and afternoon camps, supervised lunch, and full-day camps to give parents flexible scheduling options from June 8 – August 14. Spend a week or the whole summer at the Garden!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We do our best to accommodate any special needs. Please let us know on your child’s Emergency/Health History Form if your child has special needs: i.e. physical, emotional, educational, or medical. Advise us of any severe allergies or chronic illness. This includes information regarding food or airborne allergies. If your child will require special accommodations, please call (847) 835-8361 to discuss your situation prior to registering.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Math, Science, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Cooking Camps

CAMP LOCATION: The Chicago Botanic Garden is easy to find and easy to reach, approximately 20 miles north of Chicago in Glencoe, IL.

CAMP FACILITIES: The Chicago Botanic Garden’s signature day camp provides exciting, fun, and enriching outdoor learning experiences for your child utilizing all the Garden facilities and spaces.

The mission of the Chicago Botanic Garden is to promote the enjoyment, understanding, and conservation of plants in the natural world.

Our Goals for your Camper: Make nature play a part of daily activities, Introduce activities that explore connections between nature and the following: art, science, math, literacy, movement, and cooking, Provide age-appropriate, hands-on activities, Incorporate experiential learning into camp curriculum, Offer opportunities for campers to take a piece of the Garden home. Camp CBG is an alchohol, drug, and weapon-free program.

Age Limits
Please note the age groupings for each camp group:

My First Camp Age 2: campers must be born on or before September 1, 2018.

My First Camp Age 3: campers must be born on or before September 1, 2017.

Green Sprouts: must be entering Jr. Kindergarten or Kindergarten September 2020 (most campers are ages 4-5).

Green Thumbs: must be entering grades 1-2 September 2020 (most campers are ages 6-7).

Explorers: must be entering grades 3-4 September 2020 (most campers are ages 8-9).

Adventurers: must be entering grades 5-7 September 2020 (most campers are ages 10-12).

We regret that we cannot make any exceptions to this policy. Campers in the Green Sprouts group and above must be toilet trained.

Parent Information
A weekly Camp CBG syllabus for each camp will be e-mailed to you the week prior to your child's camp. It will also be available from your child's teacher on the first day of camp. Each syllabus will list the day's activities and include suggestions to help you and your camper share the camp experience. The order of events may change due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.

Before- and After-Camp Care
We are happy to offer before-camp and after-camp care for your camper. Program will be supervised by Camp CBG staff. Activities will include games, art projects, and gardening. Pack an extra snack for your camper for after-camp care. Morning fees are $50/camper/per week; afternoon fees are $63/camper/week, and cannot be pro-rated for partial use; no membership discount available.

Morning hours are 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. and afternoon hours are 3 – 5:30 p.m.

No drop-ins. Campers must be preregistered for this service. No on-site registration is available.
Children must be signed in with staff at the Learning Center at drop-off.
Evening pick-up will take place in the Learning Center. Parents/caregivers will be asked for photo identification at pick-up. There is a late fee of $15 for pick up between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. An additional $1 per minute will be charged after 5:45 p.m. Late fees are payable by cash, check, or credit card at the time of pick-up. Repeated late pick-ups may result in the loss of this service.

Camp CBG does not provide daily snacks to Campers. Please pack a nut-free snack for your camper each day. We will take a snack break mid-morning and mid-afternoon daily. Some camps may be making their own additional snacks during Camp CBG. If your child has food allergies or diet restrictions that may prevent him/her from consuming nut-free snacks, please specify to what degree on the Emergency/Health History Form.

Camp CBG offers a supervised lunch period for campers in Green Sprouts, Green Thumbs, and Explorers who enroll in morning and afternoon camps for $10 per child/week. Pack a nut-free lunch for your child that does not require refrigeration, and we will supervise your child during the lunch break (noon – 12:30 p.m.) and escort your child to his/her afternoon camp.

In order to provide the best possible experiences for your children, one-week camps are limited to 12 or 15 campers and two-week camps are limited to 20 campers. My First Camp is limited to 14 child/adult pairs per camp. Camps are led by Chicago Botanic Garden staff and qualified teachers, with assistance from interns and volunteers. Biographies of your campers' instructors will be available online this spring.

Camper Code of Conduct
You will be asked to review the CBG Camper Code of Conduct upon completion of the Emergency/Health History Form.

Campers will treat their fellow campers, instructors, and volunteers with respect.
Campers will follow directions and stay with their group.
Please read and discuss these expectations with your child. In the event that a camper does not follow the Code of Conduct, or his or her behavior endangers other campers or interferes with an instructor's ability to provide programming, the coordinator of Camp Programs or camp instructor will inform the parent at pick-up or through a phone call. If a second incident occurs, parents may be asked to withdraw their child from camp. Refunds will not be given for behavior-related withdrawals.


Our Leaders in Training program is the perfect summer experience for teens with an interest in science and education. Participants help prepare for camps, assist teachers during the day, and learn life skills that will benefit them in future job searches and college preparation.

The LIT program is a two-week commitment, meeting Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. throughout the summer. Each LIT will be scheduled in weeklong timeframes. Two consecutive weeks are preferred, but not required. Applications will be available until the program fills. LIT interviews will be conducted from February through April, and participants will receive training before camp begins.

Application materials will be available in December. Please call (847) 835-8361 to request an application.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Families in need of financial aid should fill out this form: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We also offer day camp sessions on certain school holidays/days off and over the Winter and Spring Breaks.

We offer an optional in-car drop-off/pick-up for camp families and carpools on our Learning Center Campus driveway. Details about camper drop-off and pick-up will be communicated via e-mail in early June. Should you prefer to park and walk your child to his/her camp instructor daily, you may park in lot 6 and follow the crosswalk to the drop-off area, located in the Children's Learning Center Lawn. Camp groups will leave the drop-off area promptly at 9:30 a.m. for morning camps and 12:30 p.m. for afternoon camps. If a child misses the departure of his/her camp group, it is the responsibility of the caregiver who brings that child to check in, and then escort the camper to his/her camp location for that day. If your child will be absent, please let us know by calling (847) 835-8361. If you must pick your child up early from camp, you must contact us by phone or send a note to camp with your child so that we can make arrangements for early pick-up ahead of time.

Please Do Not Bring to Camp
The Garden is NOT responsible for any item lost or broken during camp. Please leave the following items at home: personal video game players, cellphones, MP3 players/iPods, and iPad-type devices.

Please visit:Our Camp Website Link:

Any Camp CBG job postings will be found on the Chicago Botanic Garden's Employment webpage at: Our Camp Website Link:

Interested individuals may also contact the Manager directly at alabus[AT]

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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