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Makemie Woods
Lanexa, Virginia

Visit Our Makemie Woods Website
800-566-1496 (office)
3700 Ropers Church Road
Lanexa, Virginia 23089

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 39
Barhamsville, Va 23011

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TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Makemie Woods is owned and operated by the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA) within the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Jordan for Children with Diabetes:

Camp Jordan is a great adventure featuring traditional camp activities while making friends with other children who understand the challenges of having diabetes. Established in 1966 by the West Central Richmond Optimist Club and Dr. William R. Jordan, Camp Jordan continues to provide a fun and exciting camp experience for children learning to manage their diabetes, with the supervision of trained counselors, nurses and doctors. Financial Assistance available, based on need. Visit our website or call the camp office for program specifics.

Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Academics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located 40 miles Southeast Richmond, Virginia and 20 miles Northwest Williamsburg, Virginia, on 275 stunning acres, Makemie Woods is perfectly situated for an authentic outdoor experience with all of the necessities of home.

CAMP FACILITIES: Through our diverse array of buildings and spaces, we can accommodate up to 130 overnight guests in winterized facilities, and house indoor meetings for up to 160. Your group can take advantage of our great hiking trails, boating on the reservoir, swimming pool, ball-fields, archery range, ziplines and observatory. Or have the whole event outside, at our picnic shelters, family campsites, or outdoor chapel!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Founded in 1964 by the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, Makemie Woods teaches essential relationship skills in a radically accepting Christian community. In the context of both traditional overnight camps or high-adventure trip camps, campers discover the joy of making friends that can last a lifetime. Traditional activities include swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, Bible study, and other recreation. There are focus camps for music and drama, and high adventure for rafting, rock climbing, caving, and more.

Makemie Woods teaches essential relationship skills in a radically accepting Christian community. In the context of both traditional overnight camps or high-adventure trip camps, campers discover the joy of making friends that can last a lifetime. Traditional activities include swimming, canoeing, archery, zip-lining, campfires, crafts, Bible study, and other recreation. There are focus camps for music and drama, and high adventure for rafting, rock climbing, caving, and more.

Our staff is made up of approximately 30 dedicated, Christ-loving, fun individuals, recruited from the US and from all over the world. Counselors are at least 18 years old and in most cases have finished at least one year of college. Every staff member is certified in first aid and CPR at a minimum. Many staff members have more extensive certification such as lifeguarding, canoe instruction, water safety instruction, wilderness first aid, etc. We have an EMT and several First Aid instructors on our staff. Each staff member submits an application, participates in an extensive interview, and undergoes a criminal background history check. References are required, and checked. Nothing is more important to us than your camper's safety!

As a certified member of the American Camp Association, Makemie Woods voluntarily adheres to over 600 standards for camping health and safety to ensure that your children receive the care and attention that they deserve. Makemie Woods is also part of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: YES campers (rising 11th and 12th graders) enjoy Makemie Woods fun and participate in group building, faith, and leadership development. Spend the first 10 days engaging in service projects and learning skills for working with children. In the last week, they'll see what's it's like to be a counselor, living and working with a younger camper group. Encouraged for campers who in the future seek to serve on the MW staff.

The DOVE program. This program (for anyone age 16 and rising from 11th grade) recruits and trains persons who are interested in serving as Volunteer Staff during the summer camp program at Makemie Woods. DOVEs are trained to specific tasks within the camp program, especially helping with campers with special needs.

Visit our website for additional application and/or call the camp office for program specifics.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer a tiered pricing model for individual camp sessions and full scholarships for needy families that wish to send their kids to camp. Visit our website or call the camp office for these specifics.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Located between Williamsburg and Richmond VA, Makemie Woods offers an attractive setting for your next conference or retreat. We can serve up to 130 guests in seven winterized buildings, with flexible and functional meeting spaces, great dining, and 275 acres of hardwood forest, a reservoir, and many recreation opportunities to explore and enjoy!

Our facilities are available mid-August to mid-June to all groups without regard to race, sex, age or national origin for the following events:retreats, meetings, conferences, picnics, school trips, quilting groups, silent retreats, wilderness camping, nature study, family reunions, training events, environmental education, home school outings, scrapbooking retreats, , We offer a diverse range of programming activities which includes swimming, canoeing, archery, zip-lining and using our observatory to view stars and planets.

Visit our website for additional application and/or call the camp office for program specifics.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Makemie Woods also serves as an EcoEternity Forest site. For additional information, please consult our website or call our office.

For a complete list of our various camp sessions, dates and fees, please consult our website at the following links:

Camp Descriptions: Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Schedule: Our Camp Website Link:

At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Serve as leaders and Christian role models to 4-7 campers per session, responsible for their welfare and guiding them through their daily routine. Salary: $220/wk

*Additional remuneration for lifeguard certification ($10/wk) and 21 or older with a clean driving record acceptable to our insurance company ($20/wk)

Cooperation Coach:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Works one-on-one with campers who need additional attention to help them work through behavior issues or help them learn to contribute their group. This position is well-suited for someone studying psychology or child development, and can be used to fulfill internship requirements. Salary $230/week.

At least 18 years old and one year out of high school, Lifeguard certification required, WSI preferred. Serve as lifeguard at the pool, assist with other camp programs as assigned. Salary: $230/week

Medical Professional:
At least 21 years old, RN or EMT certification preferred, will consider someone with a BSN waiting for boards. Oversees medical care for campers and staff. Salary negotiable and dependent upon experience. Contact us for details.

Pool Manager:
At least 21 years old, Lifeguard certification required, WSI preferred. Responsible for maintaining the pool facility as well as lifeguarding, swim instruction. Salary: $240/week

Waterfront Director/Trip Manager:
At least 21 years old preferred, younger applicants (18+) can be considered. Lifeguard certification and whitewater canoeing experience required, canoe instruction certification preferred. Directs and maintains the boating program (canoes and rowboats), leads and/or packs off-site trips. Salary: $240/week

Recreation and Crafts Director:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Directs daily program of crafts and recreation for campers of various ages, maintains supplies and inventory. Salary: $220/week

Digital Media:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Responsible for taking daily photographs and video footage of camp, including group pictures for the week, compiling and editing footage for weekly dvd/cd's. Salary: $220/week

For all positions at Makemie Woods, room and board is valued at $180/week. Applicants with Makemie Woods Summer Staff experience receive additional remuneration. All staff will be required to have Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR Certification prior to the start of the staff training. Travel reimbursement for persons who come from more than 65 miles away up to $75.

For more specifics about the Makemie Woods Summer Camp Program, visit our website at the link below or call our camp office!

Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Virginia Summer Special Needs Camps Offer Wide Range of Special Needs Programs & Summer Special Needs Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Virginia Special Needs Summer Camp or Summer Special Needs Recreation Program.

Many Virginia Day and Sleepaway Special Needs Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Special Needs Activities.

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